Tuesday, March 30, 2010


OK so here it is, the nasty truth.   Inside this woman hides a snarling, snapping, slobbering beast. At any moment said beast can and will raise it's ugly head and attack whoever is available.  Now, truth be told sometimes the target deserves it, actually more often than not the target does deserve it.

Here's the thing about deserving something Jesus didn't deserve what He got, I did, but He took it anyway.  I try to remember this when the beast begins gnashing it's teeth.  Usually this thought keeps Cujo at bay, but every now and then he claws his way out.

Today I threw Cujo an old bone and told him to back off.  I had both kids at home, tons of running around  to do and appointments to get to.  First Griffin decided not to use the toilet this morning, I'll spare you the gory details, then the kids were constantly bickering over every little thing, then nagging me every other minute, then I missed an appointment, then somebody with nowhere to go got in front of me going half the speed limit, Then I realized that I forgot something at the commissary...  I'll not bore you with the rest.

It was difficult, keeping Cujo caged, but I'm glad I did.  Tomorrow well, I can't promise anything, but let's hope it doesn't start with me wrestling the beast.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I hate those days!!! I hope today is much better day for you :)
